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Main page / Discounts


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Our store offers various flexible discounts and promotions. You can always learn about new promotions from the ” Articles”section. Stay tuned to always be up to date with the latest great deals.

At the moment we have the following types of discounts:

  • Storage card. When you first purchase You will receive a cumulative card, which at each subsequent purchase will be credited with a small percentage of the price of each purchased product. You can at any time use the accumulated amount on the card to pay for the purchase.

  • Action “2 at price 1”. Pay attention to the price tags. Orange color (on the website such products are marked with the icon “2=1”) highlighted those products, when you purchase which You will receive a second copy as a gift.

  • Also on goods with red price tags (on the website such goods are allocated with a marker “special offer”) the discount of 10% works. Be careful when choosing.